Conferences and lectures | Conferences
of Biomolecular NMR
Years of Slovenian NMR Centre February 16-17,
2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Plenary lecturers
Lucia Banci (University of Florence, Italy)
'NMR in Structural Genomics'
Jyoti Chattopadhyaya (Uppsala University, Sweden)
'Conformation Transmission Through DNA and RNA'
Robert Kaptein (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
'NMR and Photobiology. The Photocycle of Photoactive Yellow Protein'
Horst Kessler (Technical University, Munchen, Germany)
'NMR, X-ray, Electron Tomography and Bioinformatics: Structure and Function of Two beta-Barrels'
Heinz Ruterjans (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
'NMR in the Study of Structural Dynamics of Proteins'
Vladimir Sklenar (Masaryk University, Brno, The Czech Republic)
'NMR Tools for Structural Studies of Nucleic Acids'
Jonathan Waltho (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK)
'The folding and misfolding of structurally diverse proteins'
Oral presentations
Zoran Arsov (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'The lipid-protein interactions in the case of the integral membrane enzymes studied by EPR'
Zofia Gdaniec (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland)
'19F NMR study of RNA – ligand interaction. Application to the HIV-1 TAR RNA'
Gerd Gemmecker (Institut fur Organische Chemie und Biochemie II, TU Munich, Garching, Germany)
'The Solution Structure of the Peptidyl-Prolyl cis/trans Isomerase Parvulin 10 of Escherichia coli'
Simona Golic Grdadolnik (National Intitute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'Development of Novel DNA Gyrase Inhibitors Using NMR Spectroscopy'
Roman Jerala (National Intitute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'NMR Studies on Stefin A and its Interaction with Other Proteins'
Jurka Kidric (National Intitute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'Food science NMR - A Frontier of Biomolecular/Medical NMR'
Lech Kozerski (Institute Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
'Nicked DNA with PEG Tether Interaction with Topotecan'
Ingrid Luyten (Department of Organic Chemistry, Katholieke universiteit, Leuven, Belgium)
'Structural Basis for Recognition of Intron Branch Site RNA by SF1'
Thomas Mavromoustakos (Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Athens, Greece)
'NMR spectroscopy: A powerful tool in the Medicinal Chemistry'
Predrag Novak (Pliva, Zagreb, Croatia)
'NMR in Design of Macrolide Antibiotics'
Janez Plavec (National Intitute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'Structure and binding of alkali cations to G-quadruplex formed by d(G4T4G3)'
Primoz Pristovsek (National Intitute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
'Bioactive conformations of peptides neutralising LPS pathogenicity - NMR and molecular modelling study'
Alberto Spisni (Department of Experimental Medicine, Section of Chemistry and Structural Biochemistry, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
'Solution Structure of Rat Apo-cellular Retinol-binding Protein type I'
Drazen Vikic-Topic (Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Croatia)
'Studies of Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobials by NMR Spectroscopy'
Oliver Zerbe (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
'The Study of Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Receptor Interactions by NMR'
Poster presentations
Matej Breznika, Simona Golic Grdadolnikb, Danijel Kikelja
a University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ljubljana, Slovenija
b National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenija
'Influence of the stereochemistry of preceding acyl residue on cis/trans ratio of proline peptide bond'
Masa Cemazar1, Jakob J. Lopez2, Sotir Zakhariev1, Sándor Pongor1 & Peter J. Hore2
1 International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Padriciano (TS), Italy
2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, England
'Real-time NMR and photo-CIDNP studies of oxidative folding process of Amaranthus a-amylase inhibitor'
Martin Crnugelj and Janez Plavec
Slovenian NMR centre, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
'What is the Strength of S-C-N Anomeric Effects in 4’-Thionucleosides vis-a-vis O-C-N Anomeric Effects in Natural Nucleosides?'
Sabina Grabner1, Janez Plavec2 and Natasa Bukovec1
1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 Slovenian NMR center, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
'Ternary complexes of Pt(II) with acyclovir and amino acids'
Iztok J. Kosir, Jurka Kidric
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
'Determination of minor compounds in wine by NMR spectroscopy'
Irena Matecko, Zlata Klicova, Tamas Martinek, Rita Grandori, and Norbert Müller
Institute of Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
'Monitoring protein stabilisation by additives using NMR and MS'
Marko Oblak, Simona Golic Grdadolnik, Roman Jerala and Tomaz Solmajer
Laboratory for Molecular Modeling and NMR Spectroscopy, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
'Structural investigation of the ATP binding site of DNA gyrase'
Sproat, Brian and Herdewijn, Piet
RNA-TEC NV, c/o K.U.Leuven Research and Development, Leuven, Belgium
'New RNA and DNA Products with Versatile Labelling Patterns For Biomolecular NMR Research'
Herwig Häusler, Arnold. E. Stütz and Hansjörg Weber
Institut für Organische Chemie, Technische Universität Graz, Graz Austria
'Mechanistic Studies on D-Xylose (D-Glucose) Isomerase (Ec NMR Spectrometric Investigations Using Specifically Deuterated Substrates'
Panagiotis Zoumboulakisb, Simona Golic Grdadolnikc ,Ludmila Polevayaa, Demetrios Vlahakose, John Matsoukasd, Thomas Mavromoustakosb
a Laboratory of Peptide Chemistry, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia.
b Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Athens, Greece
c National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
d Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
e Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece
'Synthesis and Study of Cyclic Angiotensin II Antagonist Analogue reveals the role of C-Terminal Aromatic Residue for agonist activity and its structure resemblance with AT1 non-peptide antagonists.'
Eva Zerovnik1 , Manca Kenig1, Louise Kroon-Zitko1, Rosemary A. Staniforth2, Vito Turk1 and Jonathan P. Waltho2
1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, Sheffiled, U.K.
'Dimerisation of human stefin B is accompanied by rearrangements /consolidation in tertiary and secondary structure; role of Pro 36?'
Simon Recnik, Jurij Svete*, and Branko Stanovnik*
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
'2D NMR Structural Characterization of Alkyl Indolizine-3-Carboxylates – Aza-Wolff Rearrangement of Quinolizine-3-Diazonium Tetrafluoroborates'
aL. Franzoni, bP. Pristovsek,
aA. Benedetti, cC. R. Nakaie, A. Miranda and
aA. Spisni
a Department of Experimental Medicine - Section of Chemistry and Structural Biochemistry, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
b National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
c Dept. of Biophysics, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
'Conformational Study of Cytoplasmic Domains of Thehamster a1b-Adrenergic Receptor'
Lothar Brecker and Ulrich Zähringer
Research Center Borstel, Center for Medicine and Biosciences, Borstel, Germany
'Proton-, carbon- and phosphorus-NMR analysis of a penta-acyl
lipid A bisphosphate in the lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia
coli deep-rough mutant F515'